More Guild News12-02-2012 - Thank you Guild for Guild Rumble!!Well we may not have won the finals but we still get a great job getting into the Top 16 due to our recent set back. I appreciate all of your hard work in the preliminaries and preparing for the Guild Rumble finals . It is unfortunate that our match with Myth was glitched and only 1 player (a priest) was able to start the match while all others had to reconnect and log back in. This obviously gave Myth a great head start (5,000+ points to be exact). However we were able to fight back but the head start was too much to overcome. Congratulations to Oblivion who won Guild Rumble.
Now it is time to continue our rebuilding process and restore the dignity and reputation this guild was founded on. We will once again become a powerful guild by recruiting high quality people and help them to become great players. Thank you all very much! - Xcalibur 11-16-2012 - FewGoodMen is BACK!!
Archers |
Clerics |
Sorceress |
Tinkerer |
Warrior |
10-21-2012 - DragonNest 50 Cap Survival Kit?
DNest got a special package from Xcalibur containing items that will help and encourage DNest to reach the 50 Cap as quickly as possible. What could be inside the bag? Dnest will have to wait until the 50 Cap release to find out. He will be opening it live on Mumble so we can share in the fun.
10-18-2012 - 3 Guild Events / Guild Rules Updated
Hey Everyone,
Have a look at the event calendar and check out the events for this weekend. Also the guild rules have been updated and we now have an ALT and Friends and Family polices. Please see the Rules page for more information. Is everyone ready for the 50 CAP???? I know I am. Make sure you farm lustres as the drop rates for lustres will be greatly reduced after the 50 Cap release.
Good Luck Everyone
- Xcalibur
Have a look at the event calendar and check out the events for this weekend. Also the guild rules have been updated and we now have an ALT and Friends and Family polices. Please see the Rules page for more information. Is everyone ready for the 50 CAP???? I know I am. Make sure you farm lustres as the drop rates for lustres will be greatly reduced after the 50 Cap release.
Good Luck Everyone
- Xcalibur
10-09-2012 - Gehenna Guild Created
I know that all of us in Elysium want to be great guild with many active members. I also know that one character can be boring so many of us have created alts to learn new classes of characters. The problem is if we put all of our alts in Elysium then we are limiting the number of actual members we can have in Elysium. So to solve this problem I have created a new guild called Gehenna for our alts as well as a place where we can recruit low level characters to prove themselves before being added to Elysium. Once the level 50 cap is released Elysium will no longer be accepting members below 32. Anyone below 32 can join Gehenna and then be added to Elysium once they reach 32. The mumble chat is a great way to connect both guilds together so we can still socialize with one another. We will be allowing geared alts if they are needed by the guild to do nests but these acceptations must be approved by an officer. I would kindly ask that all members of Elysium to move their alts into Gehenna to free up room for the many players that are sure to return for the 50 cap.
Thank you all for your understanding in this matter.
- Xcalibur -
Thank you all for your understanding in this matter.
- Xcalibur -
10-08-2012 - A BIG thanks to Kevin (MyKarma/Gainful)
Kevin spent much of yesterday helping many of our members get through SeaDragon and many of these characters were heavily under geared to say the least. Kevin is a great player, very knowledgeable about SeaDragon and has proven to be a very valuable member of Elysium. I know we have many great players and I am sure many of you helped as well, and for this I want to thank you. Perhaps it is wrong to single out one player among so many great players, but I felt Kevin went above and beyond to help the guild. He even left his Mumble client running so if we needed him would just yell and he would wake up and help us.
Thank you Kevin
- Xcalibur -
Thank you Kevin
- Xcalibur -
10-08-2012 - Guild Photos Updated!!!
Needless to say our Guild Photo was a bit chaotic but I think we managed to get a few good shots. We will be planning another guild photo in the near future. Keep an eye out for a good location. Check out the guild photos on the Media tab. Also I need more photos and videos for our site. Please emal the videos or photos (or just send the links) to
10-08-2012 - Mumble Mingle Results GRATZ to Mistral :)
Well this weekend we had 46 unique members connect to our Mumble server. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you enjoyed your look around mumble even if it was a brief visit. After downloading the log I put all the names into Random Picker to select our winner. Congratulations to Mistral.
List of all members who connected
AngelBubbles BlazePriest Cerazia ChairRoll Chibi ChibiBarrage ChosenYi CraZyZeuS TheDanielBoy |
DizzyPunch DNest-Christian Dragsu DyingBreath Genitlo GreyClaw Ivan Jay-Kyoumegami Karma |
LittleBobie LouisVuitton LunarForce MagerLook * Mistral Mithrendir NoobyNoob-Simps oojababa prodemon |
RoflMakr Ruji SakuraKanTen Sammie Shannanagins SimplyCurry-Jesse StevenNoob SunlitSky Therpsichore |
Toany viiBe yummychowder ZexionGod zSoulBladez |
* WInner of 500g
NOTE: I will be distributing 25g to everyone who particiapted but it make take a while to match up some of the names
10-05-2012 - Guild Events! This Weekend
Hello Guild,
I think is time to get to know each other a bit this weekend. I know I have not been on my main Xcalibur much since the merge. I have been busy on my mules trying to earn some gold for the upcoming 50 cap but I am always on Mumble. I would like to get to know many of our new guild members so this weekend so I am hosting 3 events to help us get to know one another.
Full detals for all evens are on the Event Calendar
Mumble Mingle (Sat 12:00 a.m. - Sun 11:59 p.m.)
Logon to the mumble server anytime this weekend and earn 25g plus a chance to earn 500G.
Picture Weekend (Sat 12:00 a.m. - Sun 11:59 p.m.)
I want to update our About the Guild page so I am asking all members to send in photos and stats of their characters. For every photo I receive I wll donate 20g to the guild bank. Please follow the steps for the event in the guild calendar.
Guild Photo (Sat 6:00 p.m PST)
It is time to get a guild of our guild to post on our website. We would like as many people as we can get. Please see the correct time for the guild photo for your time zone.
- Xcalibur -
I think is time to get to know each other a bit this weekend. I know I have not been on my main Xcalibur much since the merge. I have been busy on my mules trying to earn some gold for the upcoming 50 cap but I am always on Mumble. I would like to get to know many of our new guild members so this weekend so I am hosting 3 events to help us get to know one another.
Full detals for all evens are on the Event Calendar
Mumble Mingle (Sat 12:00 a.m. - Sun 11:59 p.m.)
Logon to the mumble server anytime this weekend and earn 25g plus a chance to earn 500G.
Picture Weekend (Sat 12:00 a.m. - Sun 11:59 p.m.)
I want to update our About the Guild page so I am asking all members to send in photos and stats of their characters. For every photo I receive I wll donate 20g to the guild bank. Please follow the steps for the event in the guild calendar.
Guild Photo (Sat 6:00 p.m PST)
It is time to get a guild of our guild to post on our website. We would like as many people as we can get. Please see the correct time for the guild photo for your time zone.
- Xcalibur -
09-27-2012 - A New Beginning for Myth and FewGoodMen
Well guild after much debating and much pondering plus a magical NX item, FewGoodMen and Myth have united together to create an Epic guild. As many of you know I was against this merge because it would have caused division for both guilds while we created a new one. Then CraZyZeus discovered he still a guild name change NX item, and our problems were instantly solved. Myth then renamed their guild to Elythium and FewGoodMen started to migrate to this new guild. Myth has many great players and don't forget they took 1st place in the Preliminaries in the last Guild Rumble. By combining forces with FewGoodMen and our great players this new guild is certainly one going to be reckoned with. We now have ONE VERY POWERFUL! guild.
I would like to personally thank CraZyZeus from Myth for helping make this merge happen and especially for having the guild name change NX item. I would also like to thank ChairRoll from FewGoodMen for his excellent diplomatic skills (Hey Chair, have you ever considered politics as a career?) But most importantly I would like to thank the members of both guilds for your patience while we worked out a solution to get our guilds together. Yes I will definitely miss FewGoodMen as I am sure many of us will miss our respective guilds. It is now time to look forward to the future and enjoy our new community. Good Luck to us all.
- Xcalibur -
I would like to personally thank CraZyZeus from Myth for helping make this merge happen and especially for having the guild name change NX item. I would also like to thank ChairRoll from FewGoodMen for his excellent diplomatic skills (Hey Chair, have you ever considered politics as a career?) But most importantly I would like to thank the members of both guilds for your patience while we worked out a solution to get our guilds together. Yes I will definitely miss FewGoodMen as I am sure many of us will miss our respective guilds. It is now time to look forward to the future and enjoy our new community. Good Luck to us all.
- Xcalibur -
I just wanted to congratulate our guild on defeating SeaDragon. I am very proud of you all and I appreciate all the hard work you have all done in helping our guild clear SeaDragon. I also want to thank CraZyZeus (from Myth) and iAvalon (from Divinities). You guys are awesome!.
- Xcalibur -
- Xcalibur -
09-23-2012 - Elysium conquers the Dragon.

Today on September 23rd, 2012 FewGoodMen defeats the infamous Sea Dragon. Ruji was the first player in the guild to defeat it, but the first team consists of: ChairRoll, CraZyZeus (from Myth), flubby, Gainful, iAvalon (from Divinities), QcRock, Rinien, and viibe. It was a long and rigorous battle - many obstacles were thrown in the way. Yet, with time, we slayed the dragon. People made mistakes, small or big, they were fatal. The dragon does not leave any mistakes unpunished and with proper accuracy and perfected coordination, at last, we came out victorious. Thank you to all of our supporters.
Sincerely and good luck to you all,
- ChairRoll -
Sincerely and good luck to you all,
- ChairRoll -
09-11-2012 - GM Tekonos Proves he is a Good Man
Today one of the GM's from DragonNest Tekonos joined FewGoodMen. He is a level 100 Gear Master and obviously is wickedly geared. We don't know how long you plan on staying with us but we are glad to have you and we hope you enjoy your stay. You could have joined any guild you wanted to but you chose us, and as the Grail Knight told Indiana Jones in the movie The Last Crusade "You chose wisely".
- Xcalibur
- Xcalibur
09-10-2012 - Guild Happiness Survey
Hey Guild. Now that we are 25 I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on the guild. What is good? What is Bad? I want this guild to become the best it can be and this survey will help me improve the guild. Please take a few moments and take this brief survey. I am not asking for IGN's so the survey is completely anonymous.
Click HERE to take the Guild Happiness Survey
Thank you
- Xcalibur
Click HERE to take the Guild Happiness Survey
Thank you
- Xcalibur